Christmas Liturgy

From carol services to midnight mass, nativities to Christingles, there are events and services taking place across St. Mary's Cathedral this Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

for families & individuals

A time for waiting and a moment of great celebration

Without Our Lord’s incarnation and birth, our redemption would not have been brought to completion.

We celebrate the mystery of God coming to live among humanity as one of us in the person of Jesus, son of Mary, the saviour promised by the prophets of the Old Testament. This great feast that marks the anniversary of Jesus' birth has inspired the many joyful customs and traditions that we use to mark Christmas.

Celebrate with St. Mary's Cathedral

A Liturgy for Christmas Day

Preparation for the Nativity

The Christ Mass at Midnight on the Nativity of Our Lord, including a greeting and introduction to the service.

The Birth of the Messiah

Lessons and Carols on the Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, including a greeting and introduction to the service.

Response to the Incarnation

Christmas Liturgy with greetings and introductions, including the Christmas Eucharist and the reading of the Holy Gospel.

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