Many questions get asked by visitors to church, newcomers to town, and friends and neighbors of our members. Here’s a list of questions that may help you get to know St. Mary's Cathedral Church better.
Our church, founded in 1941, has grown into a healthy and vibrant congregation. We currently have more than 500 active members and regular attendees. Our Sunday 7:00 a.m. service averages around 60 people; our 09:00 a.m. service usually has about 120 in attendance.
We have two worship services each Sunday, both held in the sanctuary. Our 7:00 a.m. service is relaxed, featuring familiar hymns. Our 9:00 a.m. service includes a choir and a children’s time. Both services offer the celebration of communion every Sunday, and all believers are welcome to participate.
No programs are on offer at this time.
We have quite a mixture of people at St. Mary's Cathedral. Our congregation truly spans the ages, from newborns to folks in their 80s. You’ll find just about every type of person here – married, single, divorced, widowed – professionals, workers, retired – life-long Kimberley residents.
Not at all! In fact, many in who visit St. Mary's Cathedral come from a church background other than the Catholic faith. We are a “patchwork” church – people with different backgrounds “woven together” by God’s grace.
No! Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at St. Mary's Cathedral. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in a smart casual shirt, or even jeans. This is God's House so a dignified attire is best. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at St. Mary's Cathedral. We greet each other so everyone feels welcomed; we share announcements and church news; we sing and listen to our choir perform beautiful music; we share the cathedral's joys and concerns and lift them to God in prayer; we read the Bible and talk about it through the homily; we collect an offering to further God’s work; and we take communion weekly.
NO! Only Catholic visitors who received their First Communion sacrament may participate. We take communion each week as a tangible reminder of God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ. Visitors and children may receive a blessing during communion, they simply go upto the alter, cross arms in front of their chest to indicate to the priest that a blessing is needed instead of communion.
St. Mary's Cathedral does offer Adult Instruction classes. Please consult the parish office for details on dates, times and locations.
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