Liturgical prayer has many virtues: it prevents individuals from becoming cranky and self-centered, by keeping them in touch with the corporate prayer of the Church
If you ever get to a place in your life where you feel like something is missing, it’s probably a connection problem: you are disconnected from God and too connected to the world. Prayer and fasting can have a powerful impact on setting your life back on track. Praying because we’re “supposed to” isn’t always enough to motivate us, but the truth is that prayer is much more than a rule. Prayer is important because it makes us more like Jesus and because it reveals to us the heart and mind of God.
Many questions get asked by visitors to church, newcomers to town, and friends and neighbors of our members. Here’s a list of questions that may help you understand what prayer is and why it is so important in the Christian life.
When we pray, we should ask God to show us what He wants to do rather than telling Him what we think He should do. When we pray this way, we can walk in step with His will for our lives. In this way, God's will can be accomplished on earth.
God can hear our prayers anytime, anywhere, and at any volume! He is able to hear us even when we think our prayers to Him rather than voice them. Yet, so many of us struggle and would like to be able to verbalize prayers in a group setting.
Let’s face it! Many of us struggle to stay focused when we pray. Our culture is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention. What are some simple ways to combat the wandering mind when we want to focus our attention on God in prayer?
This is an important question, as the majority of Christian couples, even pastoral couples, don’t make this a regular practice. Yet it is probably the most fulfilling and divorce-proofing thing any couple can engage in. Also, it has been said that praying together is the most intimate thing a husband and wife can do. So how do you get started?
God hears us and will always rescue those who love Him, just as He rescued Mordecai and the Jews in the story of Esther (Esther 8:15-16). Sometimes it feels like God is not moving as fast as we would like in answering our prayers. But we need to remember that, if we believe that God hears our prayers, then He will move on our behalf when the time is right.
Prayer is when we talk to God. We can talk to Him about something small or something big. We can talk to him in a way that's quiet and private, or we can talk to him with thousands of other people. But whenever we talk to God, we are praying.
Yes, we can pray any time of the day or night. God is always listening and is never too busy for us. He wants to talk with us all the time, and He cares about whatever concerns us. We can even pray silently. God can hear silent prayers, too!
No! God wants us to talk to Him about whatever is on our hearts -- and what matters most is that we are being honest when we talk to Him. If we pray a short prayer from the heart, it's worth much more than a long prayer that's trying to impress God or other people.
Not everyone kneels when they pray, but some people do it to show an attitude of humility before God. We can approach God boldly -- because He is our heavenly Father -- but we must also approach Him with humility. And kneeling shows that we are approaching him with humility and reverence.
Yes, prayer is powerful! Peter was chained in his prison cell with guards on both sides of him. The situation was desperate; it seemed impossible to save Peter from death. But, in Acts 12:5, it says, "But, The church began to pray!"
We are committed to Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Great Commission.
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