First Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in a life. It means that person has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
The First Communion is a celebration of children becoming part of the Catholic church. The First Communion is based on mental development, not age. However, most kids are around seven when they reach the point to take part in this ceremony and join the church. Yes, this is a big stage of the beginning. It is our responsibility to continue growing in the honor and respect that we found on the day of our First Communion.
Many first time parents have questions about celebrating the Sacrament of Fist Communion. We hope your questions are answered here below.
In the simplest terms, First Holy Communion is a religious ceremony performed in church by Catholics when a child reaches the age of around 7-8 years and celebrates the first time that they accept the bread and wine (also known as the Eucharist).
Children receive the First Communion when they’re 8-9 years old. It’s the final stage of the catechesis: it’s the Christian education of our children. Catechesis lasts about two years and includes the teaching of catechism, which is the Christian doctrine, and of the introduction to Sacraments.
The Confession is a sacrament: through a priest, we confess our sins and receive the absolution, alias the forgiveness of God. The First Confession is the first time that a child confesses his/her sins and receives the absolution. First Confession must precede the First Communion.
Once received the First Communion, our child becomes part of the Catholic community. It is part of a normal Sunday Mass that, usually, is celebrated between late May and early June. And the first communicants receive the Eucharist before the other parishioners.
The tradition requires giving first communicants a present that, throughout the years, may be a constant memento of the Catholic teachings they received during catechesis. For this reason, the First Communion’s gift must be very, very symbolic and important.
The First Holy Communion is held in church within a special ‘First Holy Communion Mass’ and involves several children (the communicants) receiving the Sacrament at once, in a service that is open to the whole community. The children and their parents will have been preparing for their special day by attending a series of classes at the Church or local Catholic school. They will also have been regularly attending Mass. The First Holy Communion Mass is usually held on a Sunday, and often, from May to July.
Family, Godparents and friends of the family will be invited to celebrate, along with the church-going community that gathers together each week. The child will be dressed up – girls in a pretty white dress and veil, and boys in a suit or suit jacket. Anyone attending a First Holy Communion should dress appropriately for church – modestly and smartly but not over-the-top. Sports jackets for men or smart shirt and trousers are perfect, and a pretty dress or a top and skirt for ladies is ideal.
Please consult the St. Mary's Catedral parish bulletin for information.
Immediately following the Mass and group pictures, there will be a reception in the gym. Please pick up your child’s First Communion certificate and turn in photography forms during the reception.
We are committed to Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Great Commission.
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