
Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the one who is confirmed (confirmandi) receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hand and anointing with oils by the bishop.


Growing beyond a self-centered spirituality

We are born spiritually in the sacrament of Baptism. We become sharers in the divine life of the most Blessed Trinity.

As we practice the virtues of faith and hope and love and as we unite with Christ in His Church in offering worship to God, we also grow in grace and goodness. But at this stage our spiritual life, like the life of a child, is largely self-centered. We tend to be preoccupied with the needs of our own soul, with the effort to “be good.” We cannot be wholly self-centered, of course—not if we understand what it means to be a member of Christ’s Mystical Body, and not if we understand the significance of the Mass.

Most Common Questions.

Many questions get asked by visitors to church, newcomers to town, and friends and neighbors of our members. Here’s a list of questions that may help you understand what prayer is and why it is so important in the Christian life.

Who can receive Confirmation?

In St. Mary's Cathedral Catholic Church, anyone that has been baptised properly can and should be confirmed.

What is Catholic Confirmation?
Who administers Confirmation?
How many times can one be Confirmed?
What is the matter and form of Confirmation?
What are the full effects of Confirmation?
What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Where is this sacrament found in Scipture?
What does a Confirmation sponsor do?
How do I choose a sponsor?

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