I am New Here

Most Common Questions.

Many questions get asked by visitors to church, newcomers to town, and friends and neighbors of our members. Here’s a list of questions that may help you get to know St. Mary's Cathedral Church better.

How big is the church?

Our church, founded in 1941, has grown into a healthy and vibrant congregation. We currently have more than 500 active members and regular attendees. Our Sunday 7:00 a.m. service averages around 60 people; our 09:00 a.m. service usually has about 120 in attendance.

What time is your Sunday worship service?
What do you offer for babies and toddlers?
Who goes to your church?
Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend?
Do you have to dress up to attend your worship service?
What kind of things do you do in your worship service?
Can a visitor take communion?
What kind of adult education/spiritual growth opportunities do you offer?